To blog, or not to blog; 2017 -> 2018

It's been a while ! Specifically a year lol. I'm not sure why but I always feel compelled to blog at the end of the year, and whether I actually want to post my thoughts publicly. It's weird because I started blogging via Xanga (I was like, 11?) and in high school I discovered Tumblr, where "kairechu" all started. In my senior year of high school I started a beauty blog via Blogspot, and it was my own little world where I used to post reviews makeup and all things beauty related. I never really cared about what people thought, I just posted online like it was my own little diary. Fast forward 7/8 years, I'm still here but I don't even know where to start. I'm doubtful and feel like i'm not good enough to blog "my lifestyle" because i'm not interesting enough or my blog isn't "aesthetic"quality or whatever. Sometimes I go back to my old posts and read my grammar and i'm like "damn, went to private school for nothing" hahaha. In the end, it is MY blog and I can post whatever I want to! Anyways, the one thing that keeps me coming back is because I do like re-visiting old posts and reading how things were back then, how I felt, what was going on in my life, constant goals i'm trying to reach, how much i've grown up and how I think differently. So yes, I will keep blogging, and hopefully can figure out how to make it look "cooler". I'm not the tech savvy 12 year old girl who used to code/design myspace layouts anymore, but i'll figure it out. OKAY ON TO MY YEAR IN 2017.

2017, I could hands down say this was the best god damn year of my life. Sure there were a few bumps on the road but I expected 2017 to be way worse since my Chinese zodiac said this year would be the worst for me (Yes I believe in things like zodiac, star signs, personality types and sometimes I blame things going wrong because Mercury is in retrograde). There are so many things I would have to be grateful for this year! First and foremost, my friends. One of my resolutions this year was to cut out people who were toxic in my life. I don't feel right posting details online but if you know, you know. Cutting out the toxics let me make room for the right people in my life, to be specific Alexis, Diana, Tina, Diane, Sarah and Grace. These girls literally made my year. Yeahhh, we mostly clubbed altogether, but there were many night to mornings spent together, lots of food, laughter, crying and smiles.

Another awesome part of 2017 was all the traveling I got to do ! I went back home to Hawaii 3 times, Japan, Chicago, Vegas also 3 times lol and a bunch of 2/3-hour-away-drive destinations (Portland, Vancouver, CA, Lake Chelan) ! I hope to travel to more places next year ! Possibly a new destination ? (Thinking Iceland or Thailand), but we'll see !

One more thing to be thankful for this year is my "mutually-exclusive but not boyfriend" boy lol. In fact one of my previous post on this blog was about him. It's been a long time coming with this one, but i'm pretty persistent when it comes to going after someone I really admire. I don't know any other human that can make me so happy like he does, and to be honest he doesn't have to do much, I'm just happy when he's around :3 Looking forward to future plans/travels with this one ~

Dang this is one text heavy post, but it's not complete until I add a list of resolutions to work on in 2018. Since 2017 was full of fun and partying, I want to focus 2018 on myself, my health and my career. I've decided that I want to pursuit my career as an esthetician with my main focus on lash extensions and microblading. Everyone i've talked to about this has told me they can totally see me doing this and I honestly feel like this is the right path for me too, I just need to get on it with obtaining my esthetician license.

R E S O L U T I O N S :

001: Focus on diet and working out: I used to be into fitness and diet but that was when I was in a horrible mindset where I thought if I were skinny, then I would be happy. Funny thing is i'm at the heaviest weight i've ever been but I feel happier than when I was at my lowest. However, I want to feel confident in my own skin so I'm going to try make a serious change. Less drinking, more cooking at home, less carbs, more working out (and practicing intermittent fasting).

002: Stop spending money like its freaking water: I have this tendency to spend money like there's no tomorrow. Whether i'm having a "treat yo self" moment, or I want to take care of my friends and treat them out. So i'll be budgeting more and being a little frugal with my money (sorry friends ! I still love you all hehe)

003: Get better at time management: Don't tell me you don't like to lay in bed going through your IG feed laughing and sending memes for a few hours before you actually get up and do something productive. I'm guilty for that, so I plan to use the Pomodoro technique to get better at time management and productivity. The Pomodoro technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals. For example, you work for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break, and then keep on going for another 25 until you hit an hour, then you take a longer break and start all over again.

004: Slow down on the alcoholism: Ever since turning 21, i've been drinking away ~ my poor poor liver. I'm giving it a break now though. In November I practiced sober-november (or as Tina calls it, Sovember) and I allowed myself 3 cheat days (which I ended up using 4 cheat days, but from drinking heavily 3-4 times a week to 4 times in a month is a pretty impressive difference). I'm going to try my very best to practice sobriety a lil more. I honestly love alcohol, but I hate when I don't remember things, or if i do something I regret the next day lol, or waking up to a rolled ankle xD yeah, alcohol- I don't think i'll be hanging with you for a while but i'll miss you~

I think this concludes my post, if you've made it to the end congrats ! sorry it's so lengthy, future posts (if there are any) will include more photos :)

with Love,

resolutions 2017

001: cut out the toxic people who bring you down.
I do thank them only because it makes me appreciate those who truly care and love me even more.

002: stop being a pushover.
stop sacrificing my own needs to please others.

003: challenge myself to do the 365 photo a day challenge.
this will be tough but if i want to even get better at photography i need to bring my camera bb everywhere.

004: typical eat better, work out blah blah

005: read more.

December 31, 2016


I almost forgot what it's like to meet someone new,
and have this fleeting feeling of admiration. 

This one person who makes you want to be a better version of yourself. 
This one person who's a little different than the others.
This one person who makes your heart feel heavy, 
but at the same time frees you from what has been holding you down. 

It's been a minute since I've experienced such good vibes with someone. 
I'm reminded of what I need more of in my life, 
such as motivation to be creative again, and to work harder for myself. 
I'm reminded that I shouldn't settle for less, 
I shouldn't settle for convenience. 

Everything happens for a reason. 

Starting a clean slate,
and I thank your beautiful soul for that, love. 

August 6, 2016

Happy New Years ! (2k15 review)

Wow, well 2015 flew by really fast, feels like after summer fall/winter flies RIGHT past you. I couldn't believe how fast winter passed especially. These photos are some of my favorites captured moments of the different seasons in 2015 (no order specifically) my favorite season this year might have to be fall/winter. Much less drama, much less worries, much more happiness and love that's for sure. In addition with Sapporo in my life (and new furniture in my apartment lol) i've been quite happy. I'm also glad i'm slowing down on my alcohol intake, for 3/4 of the year I drank 4 of the 7 days, and pretty heavily. Now days I only turn up if i'm going to a an important show, and even then I'm trying not to blackout, been doing that way too much for most of my 21st year lol. Anyways, looking forward to 2016 with a few goals in mind. 

  • Stop splurging money/impulse buying
  • Be more mindful of what i'm putting into my body
  • Get my ass to the gym with some routine
  • Less eating out, more cooking at home
  • Do things that make me happy, but also knowing of the consequences
  • ACTUALLY blog more, and get over my fear of starting a Youtube channel and just do it

Cheers to the new year, wish me luck ! 

Meet Sapporo the Shiba Inu!

It's been a minute since i've posted here, my apologies, I guess life happened. This summer was quite hectic, with working a lot and a few trips here and there, I forgot about this blog somewhere in between. This past Summer, two big things happened. 1) I moved into my own apartment by myself ! first time living alone ever in my life and I'm so excited about it 2) I guess i'm not completely alone because I've acquired a new family member :) after waiting 2 months (or basically 10 years since Nintendogs came out) I am proud to say I own a Shiba Inu. I've always loved Shibas ever since i've owned one digitally on nintendogs, but I never thought I would actually own one in real life. I had my heart set on getting a puppy once I graduated college, I like to make little life goals towards happiness. I would look on craigslist classifieds under 'pets' every night  skimming through all the different dogs available. I thought I wanted to get a tea cup dog but honestly they're kind of useless.. Then I thought I would probably get a corgi or a Charles king spaniel. One day I was on Instagram and saw one someone I followed getting a shiba puppy. I then started to research about their personalities and was obsessed ever since. I did a ton of research about Shibas and learned that they are stubborn, aloof but so so smart and loyal to their owners. I was lucky enough to find a great breeder and the whole timing worked out with my old lease ending around the time I was able to take Sapporo home. When I found out that Sapporo was born, I literally went all the way to Woodinville to pick her out. She was a blind and deaf nugget at the time so I picked her out based on her coating lol I was so lucky to have picked out such a smart cute angel ;-; I've had her for about a month now, and she's about 12-13 weeks. She's learned tricks such as sit, lay down, give me her paw, crawl, high five, sit pretty, spin and play dead. pretty impressive in my opinion. My family back home has a 15 week old Pomeranian-chihuahua and they said all she knows how to do is lay down on every command haha. My life I feel like has improved drastically. I'm so happy now days, and i'm usually crying over boys but i've been okay :) I actually think Sapporo will somehow find me my future husband haha, very excited about that ;) Anyways, thanks for reading ! hopefully i'll post more in the near future :) here are some pictures of my bb 

Photo Diary: Japanese Garden [& on Happiness]

A lot is changing in my life, and I'm about to close a chapter in my book and start a next. 

Whenever I look at my old blog posts I always crave and want one thing, and it's happiness. I was always one to place my happiness in someone else's hands but I've learned lately that happiness is  your own personal choice. I find it so important to know what makes you happy and you go and do whatever that is. I would base my happiness on how my relationship is with my significant other, which is fine but it's not always efficient. As I get older, I'm learning about what makes me truly happy and realizing that no one is forcing me to do anything. As long as you're not hurting anyone in the process, do whatever it is that makes you happy. 

On a side note, I've been so inspired to start vlogging (as well as blogging)!! Especially since i'll be done with school soon and will have time to myself :) Any ideas on what to vlog about ? I wanna hear suggestions. 

Thanks for reading, xoxo Kaire

Photo Diary: Spring in Hawaii

A much over due blog post about Hawaii. If you don't already know, I'm from Honolulu, Hawaii. I moved to Seattle right after graduating high school when I was 18, and have been living in Seattle for about 4 years now. The last time I've been home prior this trip was 1 1/2 years ago. I never appreciated home more than I ever have now. I also never realized how much I missed everything about home. I usually get anxious about being in Hawaii for too long because the lifestyle is so repetitive for me. However this time around I think I could have stayed another week or so. I literally tried to cram seeing everyone within a span of a week while spending time with family too. I also crammed a lotttt of food while I could too, I would say I did a good job by not gaining 50lbs ! While being back home, I felt very appreciated. I have such genuine friends back home, a loving family and was in a comfortable environment ! There really is no place like home and i'm going to forever be grateful to call hawaii my home. I miss everyone so much and hope to go back sometime soon. Sometimes Seattle gets lonely, although I've adapted well to the city, I sometimes get homesick. Can't wait to go back after I graduate (which is in about a month ! finally..)