Photo Diary: Spring in Hawaii

A much over due blog post about Hawaii. If you don't already know, I'm from Honolulu, Hawaii. I moved to Seattle right after graduating high school when I was 18, and have been living in Seattle for about 4 years now. The last time I've been home prior this trip was 1 1/2 years ago. I never appreciated home more than I ever have now. I also never realized how much I missed everything about home. I usually get anxious about being in Hawaii for too long because the lifestyle is so repetitive for me. However this time around I think I could have stayed another week or so. I literally tried to cram seeing everyone within a span of a week while spending time with family too. I also crammed a lotttt of food while I could too, I would say I did a good job by not gaining 50lbs ! While being back home, I felt very appreciated. I have such genuine friends back home, a loving family and was in a comfortable environment ! There really is no place like home and i'm going to forever be grateful to call hawaii my home. I miss everyone so much and hope to go back sometime soon. Sometimes Seattle gets lonely, although I've adapted well to the city, I sometimes get homesick. Can't wait to go back after I graduate (which is in about a month ! finally..)


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