Photo Diary: Japanese Garden [& on Happiness]

A lot is changing in my life, and I'm about to close a chapter in my book and start a next. 

Whenever I look at my old blog posts I always crave and want one thing, and it's happiness. I was always one to place my happiness in someone else's hands but I've learned lately that happiness is  your own personal choice. I find it so important to know what makes you happy and you go and do whatever that is. I would base my happiness on how my relationship is with my significant other, which is fine but it's not always efficient. As I get older, I'm learning about what makes me truly happy and realizing that no one is forcing me to do anything. As long as you're not hurting anyone in the process, do whatever it is that makes you happy. 

On a side note, I've been so inspired to start vlogging (as well as blogging)!! Especially since i'll be done with school soon and will have time to myself :) Any ideas on what to vlog about ? I wanna hear suggestions. 

Thanks for reading, xoxo Kaire

Photo Diary: Spring in Hawaii

A much over due blog post about Hawaii. If you don't already know, I'm from Honolulu, Hawaii. I moved to Seattle right after graduating high school when I was 18, and have been living in Seattle for about 4 years now. The last time I've been home prior this trip was 1 1/2 years ago. I never appreciated home more than I ever have now. I also never realized how much I missed everything about home. I usually get anxious about being in Hawaii for too long because the lifestyle is so repetitive for me. However this time around I think I could have stayed another week or so. I literally tried to cram seeing everyone within a span of a week while spending time with family too. I also crammed a lotttt of food while I could too, I would say I did a good job by not gaining 50lbs ! While being back home, I felt very appreciated. I have such genuine friends back home, a loving family and was in a comfortable environment ! There really is no place like home and i'm going to forever be grateful to call hawaii my home. I miss everyone so much and hope to go back sometime soon. Sometimes Seattle gets lonely, although I've adapted well to the city, I sometimes get homesick. Can't wait to go back after I graduate (which is in about a month ! finally..)