Meet Sapporo the Shiba Inu!

It's been a minute since i've posted here, my apologies, I guess life happened. This summer was quite hectic, with working a lot and a few trips here and there, I forgot about this blog somewhere in between. This past Summer, two big things happened. 1) I moved into my own apartment by myself ! first time living alone ever in my life and I'm so excited about it 2) I guess i'm not completely alone because I've acquired a new family member :) after waiting 2 months (or basically 10 years since Nintendogs came out) I am proud to say I own a Shiba Inu. I've always loved Shibas ever since i've owned one digitally on nintendogs, but I never thought I would actually own one in real life. I had my heart set on getting a puppy once I graduated college, I like to make little life goals towards happiness. I would look on craigslist classifieds under 'pets' every night  skimming through all the different dogs available. I thought I wanted to get a tea cup dog but honestly they're kind of useless.. Then I thought I would probably get a corgi or a Charles king spaniel. One day I was on Instagram and saw one someone I followed getting a shiba puppy. I then started to research about their personalities and was obsessed ever since. I did a ton of research about Shibas and learned that they are stubborn, aloof but so so smart and loyal to their owners. I was lucky enough to find a great breeder and the whole timing worked out with my old lease ending around the time I was able to take Sapporo home. When I found out that Sapporo was born, I literally went all the way to Woodinville to pick her out. She was a blind and deaf nugget at the time so I picked her out based on her coating lol I was so lucky to have picked out such a smart cute angel ;-; I've had her for about a month now, and she's about 12-13 weeks. She's learned tricks such as sit, lay down, give me her paw, crawl, high five, sit pretty, spin and play dead. pretty impressive in my opinion. My family back home has a 15 week old Pomeranian-chihuahua and they said all she knows how to do is lay down on every command haha. My life I feel like has improved drastically. I'm so happy now days, and i'm usually crying over boys but i've been okay :) I actually think Sapporo will somehow find me my future husband haha, very excited about that ;) Anyways, thanks for reading ! hopefully i'll post more in the near future :) here are some pictures of my bb