Happy New Years ! (2k15 review)

Wow, well 2015 flew by really fast, feels like after summer fall/winter flies RIGHT past you. I couldn't believe how fast winter passed especially. These photos are some of my favorites captured moments of the different seasons in 2015 (no order specifically) my favorite season this year might have to be fall/winter. Much less drama, much less worries, much more happiness and love that's for sure. In addition with Sapporo in my life (and new furniture in my apartment lol) i've been quite happy. I'm also glad i'm slowing down on my alcohol intake, for 3/4 of the year I drank 4 of the 7 days, and pretty heavily. Now days I only turn up if i'm going to a an important show, and even then I'm trying not to blackout, been doing that way too much for most of my 21st year lol. Anyways, looking forward to 2016 with a few goals in mind. 

  • Stop splurging money/impulse buying
  • Be more mindful of what i'm putting into my body
  • Get my ass to the gym with some routine
  • Less eating out, more cooking at home
  • Do things that make me happy, but also knowing of the consequences
  • ACTUALLY blog more, and get over my fear of starting a Youtube channel and just do it

Cheers to the new year, wish me luck !